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홈으로 Function Steering

The session steering

※ 모바일환경에서는 좌우로 이동하여 내용(표)을 보실 수 있습니다.

회기운영입니다. 각 항목은 구분, 회기, 집회, 비고로 구분됩니다.
Kinds of session Session period Meeting Note
Main session Within 80 days Annually July 1 (1st)
annually December 20 (2nd)
  • Audit and investigation on administrative affairs and the previous year's settlement
  • budget and other submitted agendas
extra session Non-scheduled meeting request of the local head or more than 1/3 of registered members
  • Handling general accepted agendas like ordinances


※ 모바일환경에서는 좌우로 이동하여 내용(표)을 보실 수 있습니다.

정족수입니다. 각 항목은 의사정족수, 의결정족수로 구분됩니다.
Quorum for council proceedings More than 1/3 of registered members
Quorum for council voting Majority attending of registered members and majority agreement of attending members.

About the bill

  • Bill : The council member, committee or the local head submit it with special form.
    1. it is submitted in written document
    2. It can be revised
    3. The council member, committee or the local head submit it.
    (All bills do not need to fulfill these 3 conditions)
  • Item : All matters in the main session or special committee(Including bill and other matters)
  • Agenda : When item is in proceeding schedule or discussion.
  • Motion : When the member submits bill.
  • Submission : When the local head and committee submit bill.
  • Propose : When the Chairman submits the item.
  • Quorum for council proceedings
    : It will be opened by attending of more than 1/3 of registered members or committee members
  • Quorum for council voting
    : Majority attending of registered members (committee members) and majority agreement of attending members (committee members).
    **There is special quorum by separate regulation**

주소 및 연락처, 저작권정보